The Ukrainian dogs are finally arriving!!
Hi everybody! The Ukrainian dogs are finally arriving!! We are looking to fill a few more spots for foster families for these dogs. We found out today that we can get SEVEN Ukranian dogs out of the shelter in Romania where they are being held until they can get them out if the country. This is part of the original group that we were initially notified of.

These sweet babies are six months old now and NEED HOMES! We recognize that these are larger dogs, not Doxies, but the need to help these animals is great and we can't say no.
If you or any of your friends or family has a soft place for these dogs to land until we can find them homes, please go to the foster page on our site and fill out our foster application. We are all SO excited to help the dogs of Ukraine and hope that you will be, too!
PLEASE help of you can! These babies have been through a LOT and just need some peace & quiet until their families adopt them. Thank you!!
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